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332 Hollick Kenyon Road Northwest
Edmonton, AB, T5Y 2T4


Edmonton based custom long arm quilting. Custom quilter at Sparrow Studioz since September 2011


The YEG Quilter

"It's a quilty kind of life!" The year has started out quite busy for this little quilter. Quite a few of my jobs from the end of last year, were completed at the begining of this year. Not much has happened, job wise, so far. My family life is busy, so the extra time to focus on personal projects is a nice change. But bills still need to be paid. I am trying not to be stressed about it. Usually as soon as I start to worry, God shows me that He has my back... and the work comes in. Trust in Him gets me through the the long days working on my own. Beauty in the trust, beauty in the quiet, beauty in the cold, dark days of the meantime..... Sew happy, love more, and be blessed! Sheila .


Ashes To Gold
Be Bold